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Sumith Kishore

Director of Fundraising


Phone: (832)-600-6990

Major: Biology

Minor: Public Health

Howdy! AMSA has helped me find a family within the Pre-Med community here on campus. I feel more at ease and understood by learning and growing with my peers! With the many volunteering, social, and fun events AMSA has had, I truly have come to love my FamSA and help extend that love to others!! I plan to apply to medical and optometry school after taking a gap year, and plan to one day buy into and work at the practice I have been at for the past year!


Fun fact: Owls are literally the coolest; I have to be an owl. You can literally fly, turn your neck 270 degrees, and your eyes dilate so much that you can see well at night and not slam into a tree. 🦉

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